Goethe Board Activity Sets歌德色活动盘套装/61pc

Supporting invention, divergent thinking and problem solving, inspiring imagination and creativity.Papoose Toys offers a range of loose parts that encourage open ended play and engagement with natural beauty.

支持发明创造,发散思维和解决问题,激发想象力和创意。Papoose Toys提供了一系列自由组合的部件,鼓励开放的游戏和自然美的参与。


Supporting invention, divergent thinking and problem solving, inspiring imagination and creativity.Papoose Toys offers a range of loose parts that encourage open ended play and engagement with natural beauty.

支持发明创造,发散思维和解决问题,激发想象力和创意。Papoose Toys提供了一系列自由组合的部件,鼓励开放的游戏和自然美的参与。


The Goethe Board Activity set is comprised of the following elements: the plywood board, 27 x 20.5cm x 2cm. Goethe is our 12 colour story, there are 12 x 5cm felt balls,2 each of 12 colours of Goethe gems,one each of 5cm circular felt discs,one each of 5cm wood discs with felt attached on one side.It combines perfectly with our other Goethe accessories as well. This board encourages a tactile experience (gems, wood, felt) as well as counting, colour matching, dexterity, handling smaller pieces.

歌德活动板套装由以下元素组成:胶合板,27 x 20.5cm x 2cm。歌德是我们的12色故事,有12 x 5cm的毡球,12种颜色的歌德宝石各2个,一个5cm的圆形毡盘,一个5cm的木盘,一边有毡。它与我们的其他歌德配件完美结合。该板鼓励触觉体验(宝石、木材、毛毡)以及计数、配色、灵巧、处理较小的物件。


产品简介 :

Supporting invention, divergent thinking and problem solving, inspiring imagination and creativity.Papoose Toys offers a range of loose parts that encourage open ended play and engagement with natural beauty.

支持发明创造,发散思维和解决问题,激发想象力和创意。Papoose Toys提供了一系列自由组合的部件,鼓励开放的游戏和自然美的参与。